Better bus connections with rail long overdue

The 121 Prentice service links to attractions such as The Museum of Flight and the Sea Bird Centre

Following a recent article in the local press about a lack of parking spaces at Drem station, RELBUS suggested that it might be possible for some people to take the bus to the train station instead, if the timings were right. Although it transpires that most local buses are tied up in school runs at the end of weekdays, Prentice coaches have been able to make a small change to their North-Berwick to Haddington 121 service, which now arrives in Drem at 18:20. This is ideal for anyone coming off the train service from Edinburgh arriving at 18:11. We understand that Prentice have noted a significant rise in passengers already.

RELBUS understands that this all resulted from a discussion between East Lothian Council and the operator under a new process whereby so-called “supported” bus services are reviewed twice yearly in the light of passenger and other feedback. It is planned that this will include a period of public consultation too, via East Lothian Council’s new Consultation Hub.

Barry Turner, Relbus Chair said: “This is welcome news and a small step in the right direction. We commend East Lothian Council and Prentice for working this one out. It should encourage a ‘modal shift’ from car to bus and reduce the need for additional parking at Drem. In time we want to see many more buses connecting with the trains right across the county, a move we think East Lothian residents and visitors alike will support.”

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Better rural buses, better rural transport options