Apologies for the late posting of these notes.
- Committee expressed thanks to Peter Armstrong for establishing RELBUS and for work done to date.
- Passenger Charter to be agreed at November Bus Forum, which it was, but now delayed due to small refinements and final final agreement.
- Community Rail Partnership – Linda Ferguson, AcoRP producing a draft application. Harry Barker has done work on bus times including Dunbar services. Bus / train integrated tickets were proposed. RAGES and CRP to be included in regular updates.
- Bus link Haddington-Wallyford – Bid to Bus Investment Fund not successful. Prentice aiming to launch a service next year, which I believe has started.
- Bus Stopping at Prestonpans Station – to go on agenda for the Bus Forum.
- Other matters for the Bus Forum – Integrated timetables not just desirable, but essential; chronic lack of information at bus stops; congestion in Musselburgh causing air quality problems.
- Future priorities for RELBUS – target information on ELC website, which has no links to bus operators; problems with First Bus; long term parking in Haddington for remote rural bus users.
- Other Bus Issues – timetabling and service delays on 113 service and reinstatement of express service requested; Bolton has less buses than before; Dunbar – some buses now meet trains.
- Vacancy for East Lammermuir area
- AOCB – Noted SESPLAN guidance provided for 3,600 extra houses in East Lothian up to 2024.
Notes of last meeting: Apologies for the late posting of these notes. Committee expressed thanks to Peter Arms… http://t.co/HhJzrHHxHM
Notes of last meeting: Apologies for the late posting of these notes.
Committee expressed thanks to Peter Arm… http://t.co/FtgMDCc2Fa