RELBUS, the Rural East Lothian Bus Users group welcomes the formation of East Lothian Council’s Local Bus Forum. We recognise it is not easy for the public’s needs to be met in a competitive and deregulated environment and that operators justify investment and operational decisions in the interests of shareholders. However the structural deficiencies in public transport are significant and are barriers to employment and business development, as well as access to health services and education according to East Lothian’s latest Economic Development Strategy (2012-2022). There is a need for change, so we were pleased to be able express passenger concerns and begin the conversation on the key issues that we feel will lead to: greater innovation in service provision and fares, better integration and connectivity of public transport, much improved information and publicity and, above all much more public involvement in the shaping of these services. We see the forum as a welcome first step in the right direction and optimistic that there is a willingness to explore new approaches. We think a further step in this direction would be the establishment of a common passenger charter for the East Lothian area, for all operators and the council to sign up to.
Barry Turner, RELBUS CHAIR