Note of AGM held at Council Chambers, Dunbar Town

Peter Armstrong (Relbus Chair) gave a summary of RELBUS’s year:-

Most of the work has been relating to complaints, but RELBUS have managed to hold meetings in Dunbar, Haddington and East Linton. Meetings have also been held with Paul Thomas from First and Richard Perryman. Both were keen to help, for example Mr Perryman will be looking at reintroducing the hourly 253 service in the summer and also extending bus routes to serve the newer housing developments in Dunbar.

RELBUS has lost a few committee members and is therefore looking to increase membership and find new committee members. It was noted that no-one from the various Community Councils wanted to join the Committee.

Gavin Booth of Bus Users UK (the Scotland representative of the UK independent bus users organisation) gave a brief introduction about Bus Users UK:-

The organisation has been around for 25 years and work to get a good deal for bus passengers, who could join as an individual or a group.

He then outlined what was important in a successful bus service …

To read the full note of the meeting click Relbus AGM DRAFT Note of Meeting

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