The minutes of the RELBUS meeting for last month can now be downloaded here.
The next meeting will take place immediately after the AGM on Wednesday 27th August at 7pm. Venue TBC. All welcome.
The minutes of the RELBUS meeting for last month can now be downloaded here.
The next meeting will take place immediately after the AGM on Wednesday 27th August at 7pm. Venue TBC. All welcome.
The next RELBUS meeting will be on Wednesday 21st May in the Buffet Room of the Haddington Town House at 7pm.
Items for the agenda will include:
I hope you will be able to attend.
Barry Turner, Chair
There will be a meeting of RELBUS on Tuesday 19th November at 7pm in the Buffet Lounge at Haddington Town House.
Matters to be raised at the ELC Bus Forum on 26th November will be discussed and there will be updates on the Passenger Charter and proposed Community Rail Partnership as well as the usual item on current bus issues and last but not least a look forward at the future priorities for RELBUS.
Meetings are open to the public/non-members.
November 19th 2013, 7pm in the Town House, Haddington.
1. Apologies
2. Minutes of the last meeting (August 20th)
3. Matters arising
4. Passenger Charter update
5. Community Rail Partnership update
6. Proposed bus link Haddington to Wallyford station – update
7. Bus stopping arrangements at Prestonpans station
8. Matters for the ELC Bus Forum, 26th November
9. Future priorities for RELBUS
10. Current bus issues
11. Any other business
12. Date of next meeting