February 18th 2014, 7pm in the Town House, Haddington.
1. Apologies
2. Minutes of the last meeting (19th November) to be tabled
3. Matters arising
4. Feedback from the ELC Bus Forum, 26th November (Philip Immirzi)
5. Passenger Charter update (Philip Immirzi)
6. Community Rail Partnership update (Harry Barker)
7. Proposed bus link Haddington to Wallyford station – update (Ross Prentice)
8. First bus service issues – campaign (Alex McKendry)
9. Bus Users UK Local Groups consultation (Barry Turner)
10. Buses versus taxis (Morag Haddow)
11. Input from RELBUS members/recruitment (Morag Haddow)
12. Future workplan for RELBUS
13. Current bus issues (round the table)
14. Any other business
15. Date of next meeting
Remember that RELBUS meetings are open to the public.