RELBUS are planning a local Tranent meeting at the Day Centre.
Hope you can come along.
(originally scheduled for the 14th Feb, sorry for the change of date)
RELBUS are planning a local Tranent meeting at the Day Centre.
Hope you can come along.
(originally scheduled for the 14th Feb, sorry for the change of date)
Public meeting organized by RELBUS, Rural East Lothian Bus Users, which will be held in Haddington Town House on Wednesday, 31 August 2011 at 7 pm.
The purpose of the meeting is to gather information on local concerns regarding public bus services in the Haddington and surrounding villages and to bring them to the attention of the bus companies and the relevant local and national authorities.
Should you require further information, please do not hesitate to contact me
RELBUS would like other towns of East Lothian to have their say about public transport in the there area. For this purpose RELBUS decide to organise their first meeting outside Dunbar at East Linton.
RELBUS next meeting will be held at East Linton Community Hall Thursday 7th of April at 7pm.
All welcome
Sorry to inform you that as Scheduled RELBUs meeting on Thursday 24th February 7:00 to 8:30 pm at Hallhill Centre Dunbar is CANCELLED.
Committee members rescheduled to
Thursday 3rd of March Hallhill Centre Dunbar at 7:00pm to 8:30pm