Early warning that the Relbus AGM is going to be held in Haddington in August.
We’ve penciled in Barry Hutton, local resident and bus user, but also expert on public transport policy. Barry Hutton, now retired, was the founding Head of the Department of Town and Country Planning at the University of the West of England. In parallel with his academic work, primarily in transport planning, Barry was a consultant appearing as a professional witness at many local planning inquiries. As a member of the design team for Mosborough New Town, near Sheffield, he wrote a computer simulation of gridded road and public transport networks that was to be selectively adapted for Milton Keynes. He went on join the Overseas Development Agency and, living and working in Cairo, he helped establish the Egyptian National Institute of Transport. He later joined a team working for the Department of Transport creating a computer prediction of the speed-sensitive fuel consumption rates of cars, and then accepted an invitation from the United Nations to prepare a ‘Sustainable, Multi-Modal Transport Plan’ for Kosovo.
Hutton B. Planning Sustainable Transport. Routledge 978-1-84971-931-7 (Paperback £34.99)