Working for better bus connections

RELBUS is a founding member of the brand new East Lothian Community Rail Partnership which brings together train operators, community councils, East Lothian Council and local people to promote rail travel around East Lothian.

One of the partnership’s main aims will be to find ways to improve connections between local buses and the trains. Please let them know what else could be improved by taking the 10-minute survey: Shot 2014-07-22 at 08.41.24

RELBUS ANNUAL REPORT Highlights of 2013-2014

Statement from the chair

1-Fullscreen capture 23062013 140710It has been another busy year for RELBUS featuring not only our quarterly participatory meetings but the now established mix of initiatives, responses and direct involvement with other organisations which are dealt with below. It has been a year when RELBUS has been reaching out and having more and more influence on what is happening to bus service provision in East Lothian.

Continue reading RELBUS ANNUAL REPORT Highlights of 2013-2014

Bus times from Google Maps

Snapshot of Haddington bus information from Google Maps
Snapshot of Haddington bus information from Google Maps

Did you know that Google Maps uses Traveline’s national public transport information. If you zoom in far enough, you will be able to see individual bus stops and what buses leave from each one. A link will also take you to the operator’s timetable.

This information on Google Maps mobile app, so you can have it with you all the time.