What a great turnout for out first meeting. It is good to see so many people prepared to get involved and do something to improve our local bus services.
There were lots of ideas for what the group should be doing, so we will try to filter these down into concise aims and ambitions for the group and report back here (you can be notified of any website updates by adding your email address to the box on the right). We have now got an acting chairman, Peter Armstrong who can be contacted on chair@relbus.org.uk and a membership secretary, Jill Thomson. Posts still to be filled are treasurer and representatives from the areas of East Linton, Dunbar, North Berwick and Haddington.
Peter will chair the next meeting at 7pm on Tuesday 1st February at Hallhill. Please come if you can, or if you can’t make it but would like to be involved, the email info@relbus.org.uk to join the mailing list.