Dunbar back to hourly service after First Bus withdraw 253 Service

Earlier this year when First bus withdrew the X8 service public pressure forced them to introduce of a new 253 service from 30th May 2011. First Bus have now decided to withdraw the service. The change leaves Dunbar, West Barns, and East Linton bus users with just one service an hour. RELBUS is planning to organise public meeting soon to discus the issue with councillors, bus companies and the public.

RELBUS Public Meeting in Haddington

Public meeting organized by RELBUS, Rural East Lothian Bus Users, which will be held in Haddington Town House on Wednesday, 31 August 2011 at 7 pm.
The purpose of the meeting is to gather information on local concerns regarding public bus services in the Haddington and surrounding villages and to bring them to the attention of the bus companies and the relevant local and national authorities.
Should you require further information, please do not hesitate to contact me


Online Bus and Train Times

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RELBUS Online Public Transport Information

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