Minutes of RELBUS meeting September 2012

A substantial part of the last meeting was taken up by discussions regarding the new Local Bus Forum and the way that RELBUS could influence it. Cllr Michael Veitch (Transport Convenor) explained that he had support from operators and officers and optimistic that it was a positive first step in the right direction.

Cllr Veitch also gave an update on progress with the Local Transport Strategy, which should build on the conclusions and recommendations following the Bus Conference earlier in the year, before the Council elections. RELBUS welcomed that the Council’s 5 year plan already cited the draft strategy, though already some of the immediate actions are disconnected from the longer term aims, which also cropped up in discussions later regarding new housing development at Blindwells.

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Doughnut theory and the buses

The doughnut theory of the universe is an informal description of the shape of the universe as a three-dimensional torus. Doughnut theory also applies to the idea that some policies have a big hole in the middle.

Even a casual observer of the impact of bus deregulation would reckon on bus policy of the last few decades having a cavernous strategic hole. Riders in East Lothian might be forgiven for thinking that there wasn’t a bus transport policy rather a free-for-all. But is this all about to change?

We have received confirmation that East Lothian Council is about to convene a Local Bus Group. After lobbying from RELBUS – who were concerned there wasn’t a forum for the discussion of bus strategy and policy – ELC Councillor Michael Veitch consulted with various interested parties.

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