The minutes of the RELBUS meeting for last month can now be downloaded here.
The next meeting will take place immediately after the AGM on Wednesday 27th August at 7pm. Venue TBC. All welcome.
The minutes of the RELBUS meeting for last month can now be downloaded here.
The next meeting will take place immediately after the AGM on Wednesday 27th August at 7pm. Venue TBC. All welcome.
Our meetings are open to the public.
May 21st 2014, 7pm in the Town House, Haddington.
1. Apologies
2. Minutes of the last meeting (18th February)
3. Matters arising
4. Feedback from the ELC Bus Forum, 29th April (Philip Immirzi)
5. Taking forward the Passenger Charter (Barry Turner)
6. Community Rail Partnership update (Harry Barker)
7. Feedback from Bus Users UK AGM (Harry Barker)
8. Buses and Tourism – headings for RELBUS input to possible working group
9. Future administrative arrangements for RELBUS
10. Current bus issues (around the table)
11. Items for the press
12. Any other business
13. Date of next meeting
The next RELBUS meeting will be on Wednesday 21st May in the Buffet Room of the Haddington Town House at 7pm.
Items for the agenda will include:
I hope you will be able to attend.
Barry Turner, Chair
A new charter of principles stands to improve co-operation and dialogue between bus companies, the council and passenger groups. Prior to the meeting of the East Lothian Bus Forum on 29th April, RELBUS, East Lothian Council and the five local bus operators jointly launched the East Lothian Bus Passenger Charter at the depot of Prentice Coaches in Haddington. The charter is an initiative of RELBUS, which campaigns principally for better bus service provision to meet the needs of East Lothian’s rural communities, though it promotes public transport generally in the interests of sustainability and improved accessibility for all.
Continue reading A new deal for bus users – East Lothian bus passenger charter launched