We’ve not yet got the draft agenda for the upcoming East Lothian Bus Forum, but are expecting a good discussion on the draft Passenger Charter that the joint short life working group have been working on, with service updates and changes from the operators and progress reports on capital bids to the Bus Investment Fund. Gavin Booth from Bus Users Scotland is expected to say how the new body, based in Edinburgh, is bedding in.
The 3rd meeting will be on 26th November 2013 in John Muir House, Haddington
@relbus oops this message came out wrong. Relbus meeting 19th Nov. and Bus Forum on the 26th Nov.
RT @OurLocality: East Lothian Bus Forum 19th November 2013 in John Muir House: [ 19 November, 2015; 11:30 am to 12:30 pm. ] We’… http://t…
East Lothian Bus Forum 19th November 2013 in John Muir House: [ 19 November, 2015; 11:30 am to 12:30 pm. ] We’… http://t.co/TToCxYYP22